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With an average elevation of around 2000 m above sea level, Yunnan characteristics cover a broad spectrum. Yunnan is in the north bordered by Tibet and the Eastern Himalayas with peaks up to 6740 m, while the subtropical landscapes in the southern area of the province reach only 100 m. The altitude of Yunnan cities is something hard to grasp with such a geographical variety.

To not get mixed up, I show you a map. Just scroll down a bit. 
The cities that we cover in our tours are mapped out. You can see whether they are connected to the railway system. You can also see how far it is located from Kunming city, Yunnan's capital. 
Hover over the cities with an orange dot, and you will find details like the altitude of the city, the distance to Kunming and at least the travel time by car. If there is a flight or train connection, you also will find these details.

Are some questions unanswered? Please contact us.


Altitude Yunnan cities, distances from Kunming and travel duration